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Trout We Stock


We stock various diferent species of trout in our 6 acre lochan. These fish consisting of;Brown Trout,Brook Trout,Rainbow Trout,Tiger Trout,Golden Trout, Blue Trout & Grayling when in Season. All fish besides Brook Trout & Grayling are stocked in at 2.5lb's from Westmill fish farms and there are some specimen stocked in at over 10lb. We use various suppliers to enhance the genetic diversity in the ponds:

~Westmill Fish Farm

~AE Fisheries( Northern Trout)

~DC Freshwater Fish


Rainbow Trout (oncorhynchus mykiss)

The Rainbow Trout is native to western north America, it originates from streams, rivers and lakes( lochs).

Rainbow Trout eggs were first introduced into Britain in 1884 where they were successfully reared on by hatcherys that then introduced them to British waters. 'Bows' grow at twice the rate of their cousins the Brown Trout making them prized by anglers alike.The Rainbow has a short life span of 4-7 years. Rainbows are non-terretorial fish and tend to shoal up together in search of food- they can travel 0.80km ( 1/2 mile) of water within 60 minutes in their quest for food.

Brown Trout (salmo trutta)

The Brown Trout  like their cousins the Rainbow prefer small fast flowing streams, rivers and lakes. Brown trout which inhabit Rivers and streams are territorial in nature and will own and defend their lie. What is a lie?  A lie is an area controlled by an individual trout, that fish has the right to feeding in that specific area, a lie provides protection from predators and shelter from the current e.g behind large boulders breaking the force in the current, tree roots, other obstructions. Brown trout feed on water born and land born inverterbrates, as well as water fowl chicks, frogs ,newts and small mammals like bank voles- this tends to be the bigger fish though.

Tiger Trout (Salmo trutta X Salvelinus fontinalis)

The Tiger Trout is an intergenetic hybrid as a result from cross breeding a female Brown Trout and a male Brook Trout. The name comes from the tiger like stripe colouration. The Tiger Trout is a phenomenon in the wild and rarely occurs naturally. Hatchery's can now artificially produce this fish. This can be achieved by fertilizing brown trout eggs with brook trout milt and heat shocking them, which causes creation of an extra set of chromosomes and increases survival from 5% to 85%

Golden Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita)

The golden trout is a native sub species of the californian rainbow trout. The golden trout is commonly found at elevations from 6,890 feet (2,100 m) to 10,000 feet (3,000 m) above sea level, and is native only to California's southern Sierra Nevada mountains. Golden Trout can produced by Hatchery's which breed the fish at high alttitide. straining the eggs in sunlight. Native Golden Trout can be located in small creeks and streams in calafornia.Yellow phenotypes are caused by defects in the synthesis of melanin, the pathway of which is complex and not yet completely understood.

Blue Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum)

The Blue Trout is a variation of the Rainbow Trout.In blue variants,  the iridescent blue colouration of the body is not caused by a chemical pigment but by a Tyndall scattering of incident light, resulting from the structural arrangement of integumental pigments. Blue Trout are successfully reared by Hatchery's throughout the world. They are then stocked to suitable enviroments like fishery's.

Grayling (Thymallus Thymallus)

The Grayling is a truely stunning fish with gorgeous purples and vivid lilacs along its graceful, sail like dorsal fin. It is a prized fish amongst anglers renowned for its fantastic fighting qualities. The 'lady of the stream' gets its name which derives from its thyme like smell.Grayling prefer clear-cold well oxygenated, fast flowing streams and rivers where they thrive.The Grayling has an underslung mouth, this makes it well adapted to sifting out tasty morsals of nymphs and shrimps. However, the Grayling is not phased by this and often takes to the surface to feed. Grayling have been recorded to grow to 15lb ( 6.7kg), but this is a blue moon occurance, Grayling tend to vary from 1lb- 5lb being a specimen fish.

Brook Trout ( salvelinus fontinalis)

The American Brook Trout was misnamed by early British migrants to new england. The Brook Trout is infact a Char which belongs to the salvelinus family.Attempts to introduce Brook Trout to British waters were made since 1869, but with little success.Now they artificially rear them from hatchery's and pond's, they are then stocked into sutiable Fisherys. However,they are now current in some British rivers and streams. The 'brookie' has the same behavioural pattern as the Brown Trout, It is a solitary,terretotial fish which will defend its chosen lie(s).American Brook Trout in British waters can exceed 5lb(2.27kg), however the case, they only reach 2.5lb( 1.13kg) being a good size.


Auchenfin Trout & Coarse Fishery

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